Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Every year I have the same resolution, to lose weight!! Last year I gave up drinking regular Dr. Pepper and stuck to it for an entire year, I can't believe it. Now I did drink Diet Dr Pepper but hey diet is better for you right? So this year I did the same thing and as of this past monday I have started my diet and my regular workout routine at the gym, so far so good. I know it's only been two days but we'll see how it goes. I'll do a weekly check in on my goal to lose 20 lbs.


Even though I cheated and used a pic of myself and not my furchildren, I am linking to Paper Mama's Photo Challenge "Resolutions" The Paper Mama

Good luck on your New Year's Resolutions!!

Thanks for stopping by,

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  1. LOL Love that scale shot!!


    Is that new font in your title? I don't know why - but - it jumped out at me this morning. I love the font. Heck - who am I kidding? I WANT that font!

    Good luck on the resolution!! and I love Diet Dr Pepper! Love!
